About Us
Are you new to our Group?
Welcome! The Virtual Pioneers group was founded in 2007 by a small group of history (Social Studies) teachers. We started meeting in Second Life to explore some of the early history and cultural based sims. Many members then took their knowledge into their classrooms, using such virtual worlds as Quest Atlantis, OpenSim, Teen Grid SL (No Longer available) Minecraft etc.
Over the years we were given space on Kathy Schrock's, Lighthouse Learning Island, University of Maine's Black Bear Island, and now at our home on EduIsland 9. We have a meeting place where we have presentations, go on tours of historical based sims, or have special events like dances, costume parties, etc.
Our meetings take place in Second Life since it is free, stable, and has the most historical and educationally based content. We are a friendly adult group and seek knowledge. All are welcome to attend our groups and be a part of our community of learning and fellowship.